Gasp! you've found my secret site! It appears you have a little dose of swag - but alas, my dancing babies have you outmatched. You see, they're goated with the sauce. Perhaps I'll let you stay... if, of course, you can buss it down like them. Go on. Play my song. - The Webmaster

Brave Traveler.

That's what my name means.

There's beautiful meaning in a name, Elliot. You ever...

  1. Cut a hole in the box.
  2. Put your JUNK in that box.
  3. Make her open the box.
Don't forget your semantic markup! Here's a useless
Dick in a box

Chicago Slang with Professor Therm-chan...

"Say it with me!"

- Therm-chan

Some of my favorite rapers!

(List incomplete because I simply LOVE rapers so much that I can't fit them all...)

  1. Slim
    Need I say more? It's Marshall Mathers, the king of raping.
  2. AbsolBlogsPokemon
    Maybe a surprise for some, but with his lyrical prowess and love for taco bell, Blogs is singlehandedly putting Baja Blast rap on the map.
  3. Daniel Tompkins of Tesseract
    Since letting his raping roots shine in the outro of "Utopia", Tompkins is turning Tess into a rap machine, and I'm not raging against it.

💡 Poll: who's you're favorite?

"I broke my ass": A PSA from the Rubbish Heap

Joelaul's debut The Anthlaulogy coming summer 2003, Bam's injuries from a little shitass collision, and other updates.